Laboratory Report


Homeostatic Imbalances of Thyroid Function


current date


Materials and Methods

  1. Why was RIA used to measure Thyroxine while IRMA was used to measure TSH?
  2. How was it used to observe relative amount of iodine accumulated by thyroid gland?


Concentration of Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in Blood Serum
  Normal Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
Value Status Value Status Value Status
T4 (mg/l) 0.05 ÷ 0.14
TSH (mlU/I) 0.35 ÷ 4.5
Thyroid Image
Type of Thyroid Disorder
  1. The normal range for total amount of T4 in serum is 0.05-0.14 mg/L For each patient, type in their serum T4 concentration and indicate if it is lower, within, or higher than the normal range.
    1. Patient with primary hypothyroidism:
    2. Patient with secondary hypothyroidism:
    3. Patient with hyperthyroidism:
  2. The normal range for serum TSH is 0.35-4.5 mlU/L. For each patient, type in her serum TSH concentration and indicate if it is lower, within, or higher than the normal range.
    1. Patient with primary hypothyroidism:
    2. Patient with secondary hypothyroidism:
    3. Patient with hyperthyroidism:
  3. For each patient, state whether her thyroid image indicates whether their iodine uptake is low, normal, or high.
    1. Patient with primary hypothyroidism:
    2. Patient with secondary hypothyroidism:
    3. Patient with hyperthyroidism:


  1. For each subject, indicate whether her TRH levels would be low, normal, or high. Please explain your decision. Discuss negative feedback control in your answer.
    1. Subject with primary hypothyroidism:
    2. Subject with secondary hypothyroidism:
    3. Subject with hyperthyroidism:
  2. For each subject, explain why iodine uptake would be greater or less than normal.
    1. Subject with primary hypothyroidism:
    2. Subject with secondary hypothyroidism:
    3. Subject with hyperthyroidism:
  3. State how hypothyroidism affects each of the following and describe the mechanism by which this change occurs.
    1. body temperature:
    2. heart rate:
  4. State how hyperthyroidism affects each of the following and describe the mechanism by which this change occurs.
    1. body temperature:
    2. heart rate:
  5. Restate your predictions that were correct and give the data from your experiment that supports them. Restate your predictions that were not correct and correct them, giving the data from your experiment that supports the corrections,:


  1. The subject who was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism was given levothyroxine (synthetic T4). After 2 months of treatment, her TSH values decreased by 96.38 % and her T4 levels increased by 879.4 %. Explain why her TSH levels decreased and T4 increased.
  2. The subject who was diagnosed with secondary hypothyroidism was given levothyroxine (synthetic T4). After 6 weeks of treatment, her TSH values did not change and her T4 levels increased by 778.62 %. Explain the why TSH did not change and why T4 increased.
  3. The subject who was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism was given propylthiouracil (prevents T4 production and conversion of T4 to T3 in the tissues). After 2 months of treatment, her TSH levels increased by 371.15 % and her T4 levels decreased by 42.7 %. Explain why her TSH levels increased and her T4 levels decreased.

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