
Congratulations on completing Pre-Lab Reporting.

Select Data Collection to continue the experiment.


Synopsis of Experiment

  1. The subjects, healthy males aged 23-30 with a normal body mass index (BMI), will be instructed to refrain from beverages containing caffeine or alcohol and to avoid physical activity for 24 hours before testing.
  2. All subjects will be given the same meal 12 hours before the experiment and told to fast afterwards.
  3. At the beginning of the experiment, fasting blood samples will be collected. The subjects will then eat a 400 Kcal carbohydrate test meal. Blood samples will be collected immediately (0 hr), 1 hr, 2 hrs, and 3 hrs after the test meal. The blood will be centrifuged and plasma saved for analysis.
  4. Plasma glucose and ketone levels will be measured using enzymatic assays, and plasma levels of insulin and glucagon will be measured using a radioimmunoassay.


Based on what you know, predict the outcome of each experiment. Complete the statements below by choosing one response for each.

When you are done, click the Submit button to save your responses to the laboratory report.


Your Predictions have been submitted to the Lab Report.

Scroll down to select Variables.



You have correctly defined all of the variables.

Click or tap the Submit to Lab Report button to continue.






Try Again.


You have not defined all of the variables correctly. Try again.



Now determine the dependent, independent, and controlled variables for each experiment in this laboratory activity by clicking on the appropriate answers.

Check your answers until you have chosen all variables correctly. There will be one choice for Dependent and Independent Variables and multiple choices for Controlled Variables. When you are done, click the Submit button to save your responses to the laboratory report.

Submit to Lab Report

Your data for the entire module, including the Laboratory Report, will be deleted.

Data Collection will refresh with a new data set.
