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Synopsis of Experiment

Minute ventilation, arterial pCO2, pO2, and pH will be measured in three healthy, nonsmoking female subjects that are 25 years of age, 65 inches tall, and have a normal BMI (body mass index). The subjects will first breathe normal air, and then air with altered levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Altered volumes of each gas are compensated by volume changes of nitrogen (N2) gas. Subjects will breathe the normal and modified gas mixtures for 25 minutes to reach a steady state before starting the experiments. All experiments will be conducted at normal atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of 25°C (77°F).

Experiment 1: The Effect of Hypercapnia on Pulmonary Ventilation

Measure minute ventilation and arterial pCO2, pO2 and pH in resting subjects inhaling room air and three high CO2 gas mixtures (2%, 4%, and 6% CO2) to determine the effect of hypercapnia (high arterial pCO2) on pulmonary ventilation.

Experiment 2: The Effect of Hypoxemia on Pulmonary Ventilation

Measure minute ventilation and arterial pCO2, pO2 and pH in resting subjects inhaling room air and three low O2 gas mixtures (containing 19%, 17%, and 15% O2) to determine the effect of hypoxemia (low arterial pO2) on pulmonary ventilation.


Based on what you know, predict the outcome of each experiment. Complete the numbered statements below by choosing one response for each number.

When you are done, click the Submit button to save your responses to the laboratory report.


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Scroll down to select Variables.



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Now determine the dependent, independent, and controlled variables for each experiment in this laboratory activity by clicking on the appropriate answers.

Check your answers until you have chosen all variables correctly. There will be one choice for Dependent and Independent Variables and multiple choices for Controlled Variables. When you are done, click the Submit button to save your responses to the laboratory report.

Effect of Hypercapnia and Hypoxemia on Pulmonary Ventilation

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Data Collection will refresh with a new data set.
