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Laboratory Report


Hematocrit and Hemoglobin Concentration and Blood Typing


current date


Materials and Methods


Effect of Altitude on Hct and Hb
  Low Altitude High Altitude
Length of Whole Blood Column (mm) Length of Packed RBC Column (mm) Hematocrit (%) Hb (g/100 ml blood) Length of Whole Blood Column (mm) Length of Packed RBC Column (mm) Hematocrit (%) Hb (g/100 ml blood)
Subject 1

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Minimum 3 characters, two numbers, one digital full stop. The RV(L) value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid RV(L) value is correct, thank you.

Subject 2
Subject 3

Minimum 3 characters, two numbers, one digital full stop. The RV(L) value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid RV(L) value is correct, thank you.

Minimum 3 characters, two numbers, one digital full stop. The RV(L) value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid RV(L) value is correct, thank you.

Changes in Blood Hematocrit After 2 Month Acclimatization to High Altitude

Changes in Blood Hemoglobin After 2 Month Acclimatization to High Altitude

Presence or Absence of Agglutination
  Mother 1 Father 1 Child 1 Mother 2 Father 2 Child 2 Mother 3 Father 3 Child 3
Anti-A Sera
Anti-B Sera
Anti-Rh Sera
Blood Type




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